Divinity Be The Light

Divinity Be The Light

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The angels were shining down on me at the time I was painting this Be The Light piece of art.  I started the painting with the bright white shining which represents, God, the Universe, Gaia, whatever you believe in to be the higher power. It is very unusual for me to not have the entire canvas filled and crowded with trees. It is rare to see through my clusters of trees into the background. I wondered why this was happening with this particular piece. I walked away from this piece for a few days. When I came back to it  I noticed the tree on the far right was pure white. No other colors were mixed into the trunk of this tree.  Unusual for me again. Next to the pure white tree are two dark plain trees. I thought wow, the white tree could represent Jesus and the two dark trees could represent the men crucified next to Jesus. There is a large gap between the cluster of trees on the left and the council of trees on the right. I thought, no way, this can't be so I counted the trees on the right and there were 12. Just as there were 12 apostles. I immediately got chills and realized my painting was complete. I didn't touch it again.  Others have pointed out to me the gates of heaven appear to the left of the bright light. There is a streak of white light coming down over the top of one of the trees which could represent The Holy Ghost. 

 Oil on masonite board
